Aiushtha - The Enchantress

By Cinder on 9:43 PM

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Aiushtha - The Enchantress
Range: 500 | Move Speed: 292
Primary: INT
Str: 17 + 1.3 | Agi: 19 + 1.8 | Int: 16 + 2
Damage: 37 – 47 | HP: 473 | Mana: 208
HP Regen: 0.73 | Mana Regen: 0.65
Attack Speed: 1.38 | Armor: 1

Intelligence attack hero, capable of beguiling opponents.

Enchant (C)
Brings target unit under control of Aiushtha for 80 seocnds, and will die afterwards. If the unit cannot be converted, it will instead be slowed by 7 seconds.
Level 1 - 30 second cooldown, 10% slow if unit cannot be converted.
Level 2 - 25 second cooldown, 20% slow if unit cannot be converted.
Level 3 - 20 second cooldown, 30% slow if unit cannot be converted.
Level 4 - 15 second cooldown, 40% slow if unit cannot be converted.
Mana Cost: 65
Cooldown: 30/ 25/ 20/ 15

Untouchable (U)
Whenever the Enchantress is attacked, she beguiles the unit into slowing its attack.
Level 1 - 20% reduction.
Level 2 - 40% reduction.
Level 3 - 60% reduction.
Level 4 - 80% reduction.
Mana Cost:

Nature`s Attendants (R)
Releases a swarm of wisps to heal nearby allies in a 300 radius. Each wisp lasts 10 seconds and heals 10hp/sec. The wisp doesn't heal if Enchantress is moving.
Level 1 - 3 Wisps.
Level 2 - 5 Wisps.
Level 3 - 7 Wisps.
Level 4 - 9 Wisps.
Mana Cost: 125/ 140/ 155/ 170
Cooldown: 45

Impetus (T)
Gives strength to the Enchantress' attacks, causing them to deal greater damage the further away the target is. Damage type is pure.
Level 1 - Deals 15% of the distance in damage.
Level 2 - Deals 20% of the distance in damage.
Level 3 - Deals 25% of the distance in damage.
Mana Cost: 55/60/65
Cooldown: 0
Pierces magic immunity.
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