Lesale Deathbringer - The Venomancer

By Cinder on 10:05 AM

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For those obsessed with death, poison is a necessary study. However, Lesale went a step too far. He experimented upon himself with various toxins and chemicals so that he could learn the secrets of death. These twisted his mind and mutated his body into a hideous creature which embodies an immense hatred for all things pure. He can strike enemies with a concentrated shot of poison or even spread a toxic gas throughout an entire area, severely weakening beast and human alike.

Venomous Gale
Releases a Venomous Gale which poisons enemy units it comes in contact with. Poisoned units take initial damage, damage over time, and have their movement speed slowed for a short duration.

Level 1 - 50 strike damage, 10 duration damage.
Level 2 - 70 strike damage, 20 duration damage.
Level 3 - 70 strike damage, 40 duration damage.
Level 4 - 100 strike damage, 50 duration damage.

Cooldown: 22
Manacost: 90/105/120/135
Level 1: 90 mana, 22 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 105 mana, 22 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 120 mana, 22 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 135 mana, 22 sec cooldown.

Poison Sting
Adds poison damage to this hero's normal attacks, slowing movement speed by 10%.
Lasts 7 seconds.

Level 1 - Deals 5 damage per second.
Level 2 - Deals 10 damage per second.
Level 3 - Deals 15 damage per second.
Level 4 - Deals 20 damage per second.

Buff placers do not stack

Plague Ward
Summons an immobile serpentine ward. The ward is immune to magic.
Lasts 40 seconds.

Level 1 - 75 hit points, 11 max damage.
Level 2 - 200 hit points, 21 max damage.
Level 3 - 325 hit points, 32 max damage.
Level 4 - 450 hit points, 42 max damage.

Cooldown: 5 seconds.
Level 1: 20 mana, 5 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 20 mana, 5 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 20 mana, 5 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 20 mana, 5 sec cooldown.

Poison Nova
Creates a ring of noxious poison that damages enemy units over a 12 second period.

Level 1 - 36 damage per second.
Level 2 - 58 damage per second.
Level 3 - 81 damage per second.

Cooldown: 140/120/100 seconds.
Level 1: 200 mana, 140 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 300 mana, 120 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 400 mana, 100 sec cooldown.
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1 comments for this post


This is outdated. Shadow Strike now affects units in an AoE line.

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