Icarus The Phoenix | Dota 6.68

By Cinder on 11:29 AM

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Icarus The Phoenix As expected, IceFrog is truly doing his best in making the next version a smash by addition of many new features such as Heroes and Items and of course, balance issues. One of the most anticipated Warcraft III models, Icarus the Phoenix , has been confirmed to be a feature for Dota 6.68.

Excerpt from IceFrog's blog:
"Q: When will we hear more about you and Valve? Some people say it will take 2-3 years, can you give us any clues? (from Zeyall)
A: It certainly won't take that long. There are a lot of very talented people here at Valve that are working hard on it every day to ensure high quality in a timely manner. We'll be making an announcement soon actually, and based on the feedback I've been getting since the last mention, I'm sure you all will be as excited as I am.
Read the full blog entry here
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1 comments for this post

wow, a new hero.
look like it worth waiting for 6.68 ^^

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